Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday we got the chance to go up to the coast to see our awesome friends Ammon and Chelsea. Kurt had already seemed them but I was so excited to see our good friends.
We had a lovely afternoon/night with them of eating junk and hanging out and catching up. We are looking forward to spending more time with them.

We made it

Well exciting news here, We have finally made it home (Queensland). Kurt has been in queensland now for a while. And I arrived last wednesday. The Kids were fantastic on the plane. Spencer has turned into our little jet setter. This is his 6 time on a plane so he knows how it all works. As soon as we got on the plane he sat down and put his seat belt on. He was fantastic for the whole flight. Matilda was a little pain because she wanted to sleep and it was hard to get comfy with her on top of me. The main thing is we got HERE!!!

We were only here 48 hours until we got offered a house. Which we were so happy about. Now the big job is finding a job for Kurt. Lets hope it falls into place.

Sorry for no pictures for this post I have to pull out my camera and take some.