Good Evening All,
Well I haven't been on here for a while so I thought I would write a few things that has happend to as in the last little while. Spencer had his 3 needles, He was such a good little boy for it. He screamed for the shock of it going it. But he walked out with a smile on his face. After the needles we went to Mother's group for the first time and it was awesome. We had such a great time. Spencer is the 2nd oldest in his group and smiles at all the babies. After Mother's group we had a check up with Cathy (our nurse). He is now weighing 5.1 kgs and is almost 58cm. After all that drama and been out for so long we headed home. Spencer was starting to get really grumpy with me. So he went to bed. Expect for he starting throwing up and also have the trots. Also by 8pm he had lost all the colouring in his face. His bright little cheeks werent so bright anymore. and His poor little legs were in so much pain. SO.... We had panadol and went to bed. Today we are doing much better. He is smiling and being a good little boy like normal. Expect for always wanting to be around mummy!! which is a pain but I have to love him. Other than that Kurt has been keeping quiet lately he is just getting over the flu. He has done 3 t-shirts this week and they are looking awesome. Everyone seems to like them. The crazy boy has gone to bed at 9:30 on a saturday night. What happend to his party life. I guess thats what happens when you have a bub. I have been at home pretty much all week and keeping out of things. Anyway I best to be off to bed with my little man. Love u all lots!! Everyone join facebook its way better
hi ash its sam i hope you are doing fine.
oh i wish i could see little Spencer now! well i cant really say little ne more it sounds like he's gonna be a big boy like his dad, haha
i hope you guys are doing alright, it sounds like your really enjoying yourselves.
we'll be down to vist as soon as we can!!!!!!!
-Jaime and Rob
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