Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well Easter is over for another year, And chocolate eating hasn't stopped yet. This year has been one of the worse years ever for chocolate and I dont want to touch it for another year. (I wish).

We had a lovely weekend with lots of relaxing and eating chocolate. It was great to get together with Family and Close Friends,

Easter Monday was a real thrill for us. Close friends of my parents own a speed boat and we were all invited to go along and go on the sea biscuit. It was a 3 person one was we were able to enjoy it with more people on it also you don't look so stupid when you all flip off it.

The Day started off a little dodgey with the weather but soon cleared up as we gathered under shelter for half an hour or so... But soon after that we hit the water. The boys had a lot of fun with the boat and the biscuit. Spencer loved the day out, He did very well only coping on one nap for the day. But by the end of the trip our little man was very tired.

The Sea Biscuit was a real highlight for Kurt and me and thought it was just awesome. Kurt had so much fun on there. He went on with my brother James and Adrain who is my friends boyfriend. Anyway They had a blast together.... James fell off once and It got flipped over aswell which was a classic to see them all flying... It was even more awesome because my brother Robbie got it all of tape, I might have to try to upload it. But the most classic one was when Adrain almost fell off but held on by one hand and pulled himself up on to the biscuit. We were all in shock because If you fall off its so hard to pull yourself back on you have to have really good upper body muscels.

By the end of it I thought gosh it must be not that bad everyone else has had a go. So I got to have a go and I had the most awesome time on it. I thought it was a blast. I am so grateful that we could have such good friends that could share the day with us.

24 hours later my whole family are still talking about it and the boys are still feeling the pain of falling off...

1 comment:

Cas and Jared said...

Sounds like you guys had a good time! Hope your well and happy!
Cas xo